1651 |
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1707 |
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1716 |
Ionsius, I. , De scriptoribus historiae philosophicae libri IV, nunc denuo recogniti atque ad praesentem aetatem usque perducti cura Io. Christophori Dornii, cum praefatione Burcardi Gotthelfii Struvii, Ienae: Apud Viduam Meyerianam, 1716 [pr. ed. Francofurti, 1659], lib. I, cap. IX, pp. 51-54. Reimpr.: Stern-Verlag Janssen & Co.: Düsseldorf, 1968 (Mit einem Vorwort von Lutz Geldsetzer) |
1719 |
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1740 |
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1743 |
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1766 |
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1768 |
Ruhnken, D., “Historia critica oratorum graecorum”, en P. Rutilii Lupi de figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo, recensuit et annotationes adjecit D. R., Lugduni Batavorum : Apud Samuelem et Joannem Luchtmans, 1768, pp. XXXIII-C, part. pp. LXXXVII-LXXXIX. Tamb. en Oratorum Graecorum volumen octavum, curavit Io. Iacobus Reiske, Lipsiae: Typis W.G. Sommeri, 1773, pp. 122-190, part. 162-164 , y en Dav. Ruhnkenii Orationes, Dissertationes et Epistolae, cum suis aliorumque annotationibus edidit Frid. Traug. Friedemann, Volumen primum, Brunswigae: Sumtus fecit L. Lucius, 1828, pp. 301-373, part. 354-356 |
1775 |
Saxius, Chr., Onomasticon literarium,sive Nomenclator historico-criticus praestantissimorum omnis aetatis, populi, artiumq. formulae scriptorum, etc., Pars prima, editio altera, Traiecti ad Rhenum: Apud Gisb. Tiem. à Paddenburg, Abrah. à Paddenburg et Ioh. van Schoonhoven et soc. bibliopolas, 1775, pp. 73-74 |
1786 |
Heyne, C.G., "De fontibus et auctoribus historiarum Diodori commentatio tertia ac postrema, ad libros XI-XL (recitata in consessu d. II. Julii a. MDCCLXXXV)", en Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis ad a. MDCCLXXXIV et LXXXV, Volumen VII, Gottingae: Typis Joann. Christ. Dieterich, 1786, pp. 107-120, part. 110-112. Tamb. en la edición Bipontina de Diodoro, Vol. I, 1793, pp. LXXIX-XCI, part. LXXXII-LXXXIII , y en las ediciones de L. Dindorf de 1828, vol. V, Append., pp. CX-CXX, part. CXII-CXIII , y de 1867, Vol. II, pp. XXIII-XXXVI, part. XXVII-XXVIII |
1789 |
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1791 |
Fabricius, I.A., Bibliotheca Graeca sive Notitia scriptorum veterum Graecorum quorumcumque monumenta integra aut fragmenta edita exstant tum plerorumque e Mss. ac deperditis, accedunt n. I. A. Fabricii et Christoph. Augusti Heumanni Supplementa inedita, editio quarta variorum curis emendatior atque auctior curante Gottlieb Christophoro Harles, Vol. secundum, Hamburgi: Apud Carolum Ernestum Bohn - Lipsiae: Ex officina Breitkopfia, 1791 [pr. ed. 1707], pp. 801-804. Reimpr.: Hildesheim: Olms, 1966 |
1792 |
Koch, F. , De Theopompo Chio Historico Graecorum quondam celeberrimo, Stetini: Formis Effenbartianis, 1792, 23 pp. |
1796 |
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1803 |
Koch, F. , Prolegomena ad Theopompum Chium, Sedini: Ex officina Leichiana, 1803, X-57 pp. (tamb. Lipsiae, 1807). Con el título Prolegomena ad Theopompum historicum en Solennia publica...indicit et ad ea frequentanda...invitat Fr. Koch, Sedini: Ex officina Leichiana, 1803 |
1804 |
M., P., “Rezension zu F. Koch, Prolegomena ad Theopompum Chi-um”, Jenaische allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung 1 (1804), nº. 50, coll. 395-400 |
1807 |
Fabricius, I.A., Bibliotheca Graeca sive Notitia scriptorum veterum Graecorum quorumcumque monumenta integra aut fragmenta edita exstant tum plerorumque e Mss. ac deperditis, accedunt n. I. A. Fabricii et Christoph. Augusti Heumanni Supplementa inedita, editio nova variorum curis emendatior atque auctior curante Gottlieb Christophoro Harles, Vol. decimum, Hamburgi: Apud Carolum Ernestum Bohn - Lipsiae: Ex officina Breitkopfio-Haertelia, 1807 [pr. ed. 1716], p. 728. Reimpr.: Hildesheim: Olms, 1966 |
1815 |
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1817 |
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1818 |
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1819 |
Frommelius, G. , “De Theopompi Chii epitome Herodotea, commentatus est atque fragmenta explicuit G. Fr. ”, en F. Creuzer (ed.), Meletemata e disciplina antiquitatis, Pars tertia, Commentationes et commentarii in scriptores Graecos, Lipsiae: In bibliopolio Hahniano, 1819, pp. 135-170 |
1823 |
Aschbach, G.J. , Dissertatio de Theopompo Chio historico, Francofurti ad Moenum: Typis Broennerianis, 1823, 31 pp. |
1824 |
Clinton, H.F., Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the LVth to the CXXIVth Olympiad, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1824, pp. 155, 326-327 (not. y) |
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1827 |
Pflugk, A.J.E. , De Theopompi Chii vita et scriptis, Berolini: Sumptibus Augusti Mylii, 1827, 64 pp. |
1829 |
Grauert, G.H. , De historicis Graecis testimonia veterum scriptorum praecipua, scholarum in usum et collegit et ad verbum descripta edidit G.H. G., Monasterii: Sumtibus librariae Coppenrath, 1829, pp. 39-44 |
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Eyssonius Wichers, R.H. , Theopompi Chii fragmenta, collegit, disposuit, et explicavit, ejusdemque de vita et scriptis commentaionem praemisit R.H. E.W., Lugduni Batavorum: Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, 1829, XII-296 pp. |
1830 |
Clinton, H.F., Fasti Hellenici: civiles et litterarias Graecorum res, ex altera anglici exemplaris editione conversa a C. G. Kruegero, Lipsiae: Vogel, 1830, pp. 187, 385-386 (not. g) |
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Schweiger, F.L.A., Handbuch der classischen Bibliographie, Erster Theil, Griechische Schriftsteller, Leipzig: Bei Friedrich Fleischer, 1830, p. 324 |
1831 |
Meier, M.H.E. , “De Theopompo Chio commentatio”, en Index scholarum aestivarum in Universitate Litteraria Fridericiana Halensi cum Vitebergensi consociata publice privatimque habendarum 1831, Halae: Hendel, 1831, 8 pp. Tamb. en Opuscula academica, II, Halis Saxonum : Orphanotropheum, 1863, pp. 284-291 |
Theiss, F.C. , Commentationis de Theopompi Chii vita et scriptis particula, Halis Saxonum: Typis Baentschianis, 1831, 8-2 pp. |
1834 |
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1837 |
Brückner, C.A.F. , “Über den Plan und Inhalt der philippischen Geschichte des Theopompus”, en König Philipp, Sohn des Amyntas von Makedonien, und die hellenischen Staaten, Göttingen: Bei Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1837, pp. 316-326 |
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1838 |
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1839 |
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1840 |
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1841 |
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1842 |
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1843 |
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1844 |
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1845 |
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1848 |
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1850 |
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1851 |
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1852 |
Westermann, A., s.v. Theopompus (2), en Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft in alphabetischer Ordnung, hrsg. von A. Pauly, Chr. Walz und W. S. Teuffel, Sechster Band, Zweite Abtheilung, Stoici-Zythum, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1852, pp. 1855-1858 |
1853 |
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1855 |
Westermann, A., De epistolarum scriptoribus Graecis commentatio, Pars VIII, Lipsiae: Staritz, 1855, nº 152, pp. 8-9 |
1857 |
Mure, W. , A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece, V, London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1857, pp. 509-529 |
1858 |
Müller, C., Oratores Attici, Lycurgus, Aeschines, Hyperides, Dinarchus, Gorgiae, Lesbonactis, Herodis, Alcidamantis declamationes; Fragmenta oratorum Atticorum, Gorgiae Leontini, Antiphontis, Lysiae, Isocratis, Isaei, Lycurgi, Hyperidis, Dinarchi, Demadis, aliorumque sexaginta, graece cum traslatione reficta a C. M., Volumen secundum, Parisiis: Editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot, 1858, p. 347 |
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1859 |
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1864 |
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1866 |
Bernays, J., “Zu Theopompos”, Rheinisches Museum 21 (1866), pp. 300-301. También en Gesammelte Abhandlungen, hrsg. von Hermann Usener, Zweiter Band, Berlin: Hertz, 1885, pp. 277-278 (Reimpr.: Hildesheim-New York, 1971) |
1867 |
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1870 |
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1872 |
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1874 |
Buenger, C. , Theopompea, Diss. Argentoratensis, Argentorati: Apud Carolum I. Truebner, 1874, 71 pp. |
1877 |
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1878 |
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1879 |
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1880 |
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1881 |
Cobet, C.G., “Theopompus”, Mnemosyne 9 (1881), p. 191 |
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1884 |
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1885 |
Urlichs, L. von, “Theopompos fr. 111 [= F 103] ”, en Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte, Leipzig: Weigel, 1885, pp. 8-9 |
1887 |
Bergk, Th., Griechische Literaturgeschichte, Vierter Band , aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von R. Peppmüller, Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1887, pp. 322-325, part. 324-325 |
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1888 |
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1889 |
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1890 |
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1891 |
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1892 |
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1893 |
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1894 |
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1895 |
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1896 |
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1899 |
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1904 |
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1905 |
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